App: Voicethread for iPad
Cost: Free
Grade Level: 2rade 2 - University
What it does: Last year I explored
Voicethread on my PC as part of my technical knowledge component (you can see my review of it
here). It is a great tool, as it allows you to add photos, video, text, and voice recordings together. Others can then watch your Voicethread and add their thoughts about each slide either through video, text or voice recording. This allows the finished product to becomes an interactive conversation. Also, as you are recording your comments, you can draw on the screen with your mouse to highlight a section, and it will become part of the recording.
How's the App: The app itself is great. I really like the PC version, but I love the app for iPad, as it makes the program that much more user friendly. To high light or circle a particular area of the picture or video while recording your comment, you simple write with your finger or a stylus, right onto the screen, which allows for much more control than using a mouse. If I want to add a photograph to my Voicethread, I can choose from the library on my iPad or I can take a picture with the device and immediately have it show up in the program. This allows my early year's students the ability to take photos and put them on their Voicethreads without the intermediate step of having me upload them from a digital camera. Previously on the computer version, I have had to be present to help my students record their voices. The app version is very simple, with only one button to press, so students could easily do this independently.
As with most programs that are turned into apps, there are some features that are not available on the app version. With Voicethread this is not a big deal, because once I have saved my Voicethread on my iPad, it is available on my computer when I go online and log in. At this point I can add and alter it in the ways the app will not let me, such as adding a web address at the bottom of the screen, or changing the comment icon to a different picture.
What it could be used for: There are many options...anything thing that you've previously done using Photostory can be done on Voicethread. You could have students illustrate and then narrate their own stories. They could use it to write on and verbally explain their thinking about a math problem. It could be used to collaborate with another classroom in another place and share their opinions, views and questions on a topic.
Rating: 5 out of 5