App: Jungle Coins for the iPad
Cost: 2.99 US plus 0.99 for the Canadian Currency upgrade
Grade Level: Grade 2 - Grade 3
What it does: Jungle Coins is an app that allows students to solve problems using a variety of coins. Students can sort coins, count the amount of coins they have, compare to groups of coins or give correct change based on a number problem.
How's the App:This app is everything Learning Money with Leo is not. Every time you click on of the the coins it gives you that coins value. Coins also flip each time you hit them, so students are able to see both sides of the coin. Written directions can be clicked and read to the player. When comparing two groups of coins, you can click on each of the symbols (< = >) and the app will tell you what they mean. In the count the money activity, students can re-order the coins to group them for easier counting, and when they select an answer it is read back to them. In each activity the player can select a new problem if they one they have is too difficult or easy. Coins are referred to both by their value and their name so students get exposure to both. What I really like is that you can set the level, and each level adds a new type of coin into the mix, starting at level one with pennies and nickles and going all the way to level 5 which involves all coins. In addition there is a level 6 which can be edited to only use the coins the player (or teacher) selects.
What it could be used for: Having students learn about greater than, less than. Allowing students to learn about coins and their values and sort them.
Rating: 4 out of 5
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